11 Instagram Marketing Trends you need to watch in 2023

Social Media Analytics
Siddharth Dwivedi May 17, 2024

In the next two years, Instagram is set to be the world’s most influential social media platform. Every marketer needs to stay on top of the latest trends on this platform, which has over 2.3 billion active users and endless opportunities for brand promotion. If you’re looking to boost your marketing game on Instagram in 2023, then you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’ll delve into the top Instagram marketing techniques that will take your strategy from mediocre to masterful. From influencer collaborations to video content optimization, these insights are sure to give you an edge over your competitors!

What are Instagram marketing trends, and why it is necessary to follow them?

As a business owner, you always need to be on the lookout for new trends that can help you reach your target market. And when it comes to marketing, there is no doubt that Instagram is one of the hottest platforms right now. If you are not using Instagram to market and advertise your business, you’re missing out on a lot of potential leads and customers.

But what exactly are the latest Instagram marketing trends? And why is it necessary to follow them?

One of the biggest trends right now is using Instagram Stories. This feature allows businesses to share short videos or images that vanish after 24 hours. Since stories are located at the top of a user’s feed, it’s an excellent way to grab attention and get your message across.

Another big Instagram marketing trend is using carousel posts. These are posts that contain multiple images or videos that users can swipe through. Carousel posts are perfect for showcasing products or services, as well as telling a story about your brand.

Finally, one of the most important trends to keep an eye on is influencer marketing. This involves working with popular users on Instagram who have a large following. By partnering with influencers, you can get a hold of their audience and significantly boost your reach.

These are just some of the latest Instagram marketing trends that businesses need to know of. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends, you will be able to connect with your target market and achieve your marketing goals.

11 Instagram marketing trends for 2023

As we move into 2023, there are a few key Instagram marketing trends that businesses should be aware of. Here are a few of them:

1. Hyperfocused Micro-Influencers

One Instagram marketing trend that you need to be aware of is the rise of hyperfocused micro-influencers. These are influencers who have a very specific niche or focus, and who are highly engaged with their audience.

While macro-influencers (those with a large following) can be effective in raising awareness for a brand or product, they can also be costly. Micro-influencers, on the other hand, are often more affordable and can be just as effective – if not more so – in promoting your brand on Instagram.

When choosing hyperfocused micro-influencers to work with, look for those who have a genuine interest in your brand and who are active in promoting it to their followers. Also, consider their engagement levels; the more engaged an influencer is with their followers, the more likely it is that their promotion will result in sales or leads.

2. Short-Form Video Content (Evolution of Reels)

There’s no doubt that video is one of the most popular content types on social media. And with the rise of platforms like Instagram, it’s only going to become more important for marketers to create reels that can be consumed quickly and easily on mobile devices.

According to the recent Instagram trends, one of the best ways to do this is to create mini-series or “micro-content” commonly known as Reels that can be watched in a few minutes or less. This type of content is perfect for social media, where people are often scrolling through their feeds quickly and may not have time to watch a long video.

Another great option for short-form video content is live streaming. This allows you to connect with your audience in real time and give them a behind-the-scenes look at your business or event. Just be sure to promote your live stream in advance so people know when to tune in!

reels case study

3. Storytelling Through Visuals

Pictures are worth a thousand words, and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to Instagram trends for marketing on Instagram. In a sea of selfies and filter-enhanced photos, your business needs to find a way to stand out and tell its story in a visual way that is engaging and compelling.

One of the best ways to do this is through unique visuals that tell your brand’s story. Whether it’s behind-the-scenes photos, images that highlight your products or services, or simply great visuals that capture the essence of your brand, using strong storytelling through visuals is key to success on Instagram.

Some examples of businesses doing this well include Warby Parker, which often posts behind-the-scenes shots of their glasses being made; Glossier, which gives its followers a sneak peek into the product development process; and GoPro, which showcases extreme sports and activities from an insider’s perspective.

So if you want to up your Instagram game and follow Instagram marketing trends, make sure you’re focused on creating strong visuals that engagingly tell your brand’s story. It’s one of the best ways to stand out from the competition and build a following of loyal fans.

4. User Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content (UGC) is one of the most powerful marketing tools available to businesses according to Instagram trends. By leveraging the power of social media, businesses can encourage their customers and followers to create and share content that promotes their brand.

92% of marketers believe most or all of the content they create resonates as authentic, yet 51% of consumers say less than half of brands create content that resonates as authentic.

user generated content
SOURCE – Business Wire

There are several benefits to incorporating UGC into your marketing strategy:

a. It’s authentic. User-generated content is created by real people who are using your products or services. This helps to create a sense of trust and credibility with potential customers.

b.It’s viral. When someone creates and shares content about your brand, their network of friends and followers will see it as well. This can help to exponentially grow the reach of your marketing efforts.

c. It’s cost-effective. Producing high-quality original content can be costly and time-consuming. UGC is a great way to get quality content without having to invest heavily in production costs.

d. It builds relationships. Customers who create and share content about your brand are more likely to be loyal and engaged than those who don’t. UGC can help you build strong relationships with your customer base.

5. The Rise of Shopping on Instagram

As more and more people turn to Instagram for their daily dose of inspiration, brands are taking notice and are using the platform as a way to reach out to potential customers. And with the rise of shopping on Instagram, we’re seeing even more brands take advantage of this growing Instagram trend.

Shopping on Instagram allows brands to showcase their products in a creative and visually appealing way, while also giving users the ability to easily purchase items without ever having to leave the app. This is a huge win for both brands and consumers, and we’re only going to see this trend grow in the coming years.

So what does this mean for you? If you’re a brand looking to tap into the power of Instagram, then you need to make sure that you’re integrating shopping into your strategy. And if you’re a consumer, be on the lookout for great deals and product recommendations from your favorite brands. Either way, it’s time to start shopping on Instagram!

instagram shopping

Key Instagram Shopping Statistics 2023 

  • 130 million people select a shopping post on Instagram 
  • 72% of Instagram users say Instagram influences their buying decisions 
  • 87% of Generation Z use Instagram for holiday shopping 
  • 72% of millennials buy beauty products through Instagram 
  • 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business page 
  • 81% use Instagram to research products

6. Live streaming Meets Engagement

Live streaming is one of the most popular Instagram marketing trends. By using Instagram Live, you can connect with your followers in real-time, creating a more personal connection. You can use this feature to show behind-the-scenes content, host Q&As, or give your followers a peek into your day-to-day life.

This Instagram trend is especially popular with influencers and businesses who are looking to create more engaging content. If you’re thinking about using live streaming as part of your Instagram marketing strategy, make sure to promote your upcoming live stream in advance so your followers know when to tune in.

7. The Rise In Paid Promotions

There has been a recent rise in the number of paid promotions on Instagram. This is likely due to the fact that Instagram is now one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.3 billion active users in 2023. Paid promotions allow businesses and individuals to reach a larger audience and promote their products or services more effectively.

Paid promotions on Instagram can take many different forms, such as sponsored posts, ads, and influencer marketing. Sponsored posts are posts that are created by businesses or individuals and then paid for by another party in order to reach a larger audience. Ads are similar to sponsored posts, but they are typically shorter and more direct in their messaging. Influencer marketing is when businesses or individuals partner with popular Instagram users (“influencers”) to promote their products or services.

The rise in paid promotions on Instagram is having a positive impact on businesses and individuals who are looking to reach a wider audience. However, it is important to note that not all paid promotions are created equal. Some forms of paid promotion, such as influencer marketing, can be more effective than others. When choosing a form of paid promotion, it is important to consider your goals and objectives.

paid promotions

8. The Power of Hashtag Challenges

Hashtag challenges are a great way to increase engagement on your Instagram account. By challenging your followers to use a specific hashtag, you can encourage them to share photos and videos that are relevant to your brand. This is a great way to generate new content and get people talking about your business.

Hashtag challenges can also be used to promote contests or giveaways. By encouraging people to use a specific hashtag, you can raise awareness for your contest and get more people involved. This is a great way to increase engagement according to Instagram trends and reach a wider audience.

If you’re looking for new ways to market your business on Instagram, hashtags challenges are a great option. By creating unique content and promoting your brand, you can reach a wider audience and build up your online presence.

types of hashtags for business
Source – Hubspot

9.  Use of Shoppable Posts on Instagram

One way businesses can take advantage of Instagram is by using shoppable posts. Shoppable posts are images that have been tagged with product information, so users can see the price and other details about the product without leaving Instagram. This makes it easy and convenient for users to make a purchase, and it’s a great way for businesses to drive sales through their Instagram accounts.

To create a shoppable post on Instagram, businesses first need to set up an e-commerce store and connect it to their Instagram account. Then they can start tagging products in their images. When users see an image with a tag, they can tap on it to learn more about the product. If they’re interested in purchasing, they can be taken directly to the product page on the business’s website to complete the transaction.

Shoppable posts are a great way for businesses to take advantage of Instagram’s large user base and drive sales through the platform. If you’re looking to promote your products on Instagram, consider using shoppable posts to make it easy and convenient for users to make a purchase.

10. Quality Over Quantity

It seems like every day, there’s a new social media platform or app that businesses need to be on. It can be tough to keep up, and even tougher to decide which platforms are worth your time and energy. But if you’re looking to reach a teenage and millennial audience, Instagram is still one of the best places to start.

One Instagram marketing trend is that we’re seeing more and more businesses focusing on quality over quantity when it comes to their content. In the past, it was all about posting as much as possible in order to get seen by as many people as possible. But now, businesses are realizing that it’s better to post fewer, higher-quality posts than a bunch of low-quality ones.

There are a few reasons for this shift. First of all, people are bombarded with content everywhere they turn these days. They don’t have time to sift through a ton of low-quality content just to find the good stuff. Secondly, algorithm changes on platforms like Instagram mean that you’re not guaranteed for all of your followers to see every single one of your posts anymore. So if you want them to see and engage with your content, you need to make sure it’s worth their while.

Focus on creating fewer, but higher-quality posts this year. Invest in great photography, think through your caption strategy, and experiment with videos and stories to create content that stands out from the crowd.

11. Cross Promotion on Other Platforms

User-generated content is on the rise, and one way to get your followers to create this content is by cross-promoting your Instagram account on other platforms. This could include promoting your Instagram account on your Facebook page, Twitter profile, or even in your email signature.

When you promote your Instagram account on other platforms, make sure to use attractive visuals and compelling copy to entice people to follow you. For example, you could create a short video showing off some of your best Instagram posts, or write a blog post about why Instagram is a great platform for staying up-to-date with trends in your industry.

No matter what method you choose to promote your Instagram account on other platforms, remember to always include a link back to your profile so people can easily find and follow you.

cross promotion on other platforms


Instagram continues to be one of the most popular social media platforms, and Instagram trends on the platform will undoubtedly evolve in 2023. We hope that this article has provided you with insights into some of the trends that are likely to become more prominent over the coming year. Whether you’re a seasoned Instagram marketer or just starting, keeping up with relevant changes is key to staying ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape. Start implementing these strategies now and get ready for success. You can also take the help of the Instagram competitive analysis tool, to get to know more about your competitor. 

About the Author

Siddharth Dwivedi

Siddharth Dwivedi

Siddharth built two bootstrapped companies from the ground up: Vaizle and XOR Labs. He’s personally managed over Rs 100cr in ad budget across eCommerce, D2C, ed-tech, and health-tech segments. Apart from being a full-time marketer, he loves taking on the challenges of finance and operations. When not staring at his laptop, you’ll find him reading books or playing football on weekends.

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