31 Fresh & Trending YouTube Video Ideas for 2024

YouTube Analytics
Ashtam Garg July 26, 2024

Brainstorming video ideas for YouTube can be challenging, especially if you’ve been hit by creator’s block and there’s nothing left in the pipeline. Whether you’re starting a new channel or looking to working on an existing one, choosing the right topics for YouTube videos is crucial. 

But don’t worry, you’re not alone in this content dilemma! According to recent statistics, there are over 120 million YouTube channels, but only 61.6 million have more than 5-10 videos. To avoid falling into the latter category, you need a strategy for posting regularly on YouTube Shorts & videos. 

In this blog, I’m going to list down x trending YouTube video ideas I came across while researching for my own channel. I’m sure you’ll be able to shortlist the best YouTube topics for yourself and get to work.

YouTube Video Ideas for Beginners

Just beginning your YouTube creator journey? If so, it is best to work on basic YouTube content ideas first before thinking about something else. In a way, this content will form the foundation of your channel, and help future subscribers know you a little better.  

Channel Intro YouTube Video  

Starting with the evergreen – channel intro video. Let your subscribers know what your YouTube channel content is going to be about and what they can expect in the future.  

Sure, you can always pivot to something else, but a channel intro signifies that you’ve a set content plan in mind for your viewers. 

‘Meet the Team’ Video  

If you’re managing a YouTube channel for a brand account, you can make an introduction video for the entire team. Here, tell about different team members, their job responsibilities, and whether they’re going to be actively seen on the channel or not.

Day in the Life of…

Do you work as a marketer or maybe a finance analyst? Regardless of your work position, it is possible that users would love to get a sneak-peek into your daily lifestyle. Film how you spend your day and use it as a medium to connect with your audience.  

Host a Q&A Session  

If you’re just starting your YouTube journey and have a small subscriber base, actively engaging with your audience can be a game-changing trick.  

One way to do this is by hosting a Q&A session for your viewers. This helps you connect with your audience, address their concerns, and build a stronger community around your channel. 

Facts About Yourself  

Running out of video ideas for YouTube channel? Try listing some interesting facts about yourself and make a video narrating them in an engaging way.

Engaging Video Ideas for YouTube

To keep people’s attention on YouTube, you constantly need to make content that pulls them in. In other words, you need best video ideas for YouTube that hit the right note with your audience. Here are a few ideas to try: 

Animated Storytelling  

To make your stories more lively and interesting, you can mix cool drawings and great stories together. By using animation stuff like tools and tricks, your videos can really pop out among others on the site. 

Travel Vlogs with a Twist  

If you’re looking for YouTube video ideas in the travel niche, it is time to up the game with a few extra additions. By including things like food explorations, local art, or unusual activities, you’ll grab people’s attention. Focus on cultural details, secret spots, or surprising moments to make your videos pop.

Music Covers and Originals  

For all the natural songbirds, there are no better creative video ideas than music covers and originals. To make your renditions more interesting, you can try adding cool visuals, like videos with lyrics on them or animations.  

To do so, you can use multiple video editing tools available online.  

👉 Check out our list of top YouTube Tools for marketing!

Cultural Exchange Series  

If you have the means available to do so, try offering your users an immersive experience of cultures across the world. Highlight special festivals, foods, and customs, that can help people from different geographical regions relate with each other.  

Fitness Challenges  

Being active in the health/wellness niche offers various interesting video ideas for YouTube. To grab your audience’s attention, you can mix up workout plans with a bit of motivation through fitness challenges.  

Moreover, using words like ‘fitness challenges’ will make people feel they’re really getting somewhere and doing something great.  

Mindfulness & Meditation  

If you’re looking for peaceful topics for YouTube videos, mindfulness & meditation is a great option to work on! With soothing clips, creators take viewers on a journey of relaxation with guided techniques that include breathing exercises and meditative practices.  

Adding natural elements like calming music or serene landscapes in the background further amplifies the tranquility factor.  

Photography Tutorials 

Got a knack for the camera? Share tutorials where you can teach people how to set up their shots, use light properly, and edit their photos. Talk about different kinds of photography like portraits, landscapes, or street scenes.  

Coding for Beginners  

If you’re good at the language of semicolons and brackets, share your knowledge with fellow aspiring tech nerds. You could cover programming languages such as Python, Java, or HTML/CSS.  

Begin with easy projects and slowly add more difficult ones so your viewers can build up their confidence in coding. Remember–it’s important to explain things in a way that’s easy to understand and give examples that make the concepts clear.

Language Learning Tips 

Speaking from personal experience, merely practicing Duolingo doesn’t make you fluent in a language. You also need additional resources to get familiar with actual phrases used by native speakers.  

If you know multiple languages and are on the hunt for new video ideas for YouTube, give language tips a go. You could make videos that give tips on how to learn languages, show the right way to pronounce words, explain grammar rules, and offer exercises for practice. 

Science Experiments at Home 

On YouTube, science experiments that people can try at home are always popular. Think about making videos where you show off cool and educational science stuff that anyone watching can do too. You could dive into anything from easy physics tricks to chemistry tests, and even biology projects – there’s so much room for fun science content! 

Such YouTube channel ideas aren’t just entertaining, but also educational in real sense.  

Entrepreneurship Stories 

If you need inspiring topics for YouTube videos, try narrating successful entrepreneurship stories. These videos are packed with real-life tales and advice that can really help someone thinking about diving into the business world. 

Creative Video Ideas for YouTube  

Brainstorming creative content ideas for YouTube channel can be challenging, especially if you’ve already covered basics like introductions and daily vlogs.  

To help solve the issue, here are some new and engaging YouTube video ideas to try. (While some might resonate more with your audience than others, you’ll never know until you give them a shot!) 

Virtual Reality Experiences  

Virtual reality, or VR for short, is really catching on these days. And that’s why 90% of users in the US claim that they’d prefer to watch a 360° video over a normal one.  

It’s a great way to grab people’s attention and give them something cool to dive into. You can make all sorts of VR videos like taking folks on virtual trips, letting them be part of concerts without leaving home, or showing off art in ways they’ve never seen before.  

PS: Don’t forget to show off your work on social media. It helps more people find out what you’re doing and gets them excited about it too.  

👉 Read our detailed guide to know more about increasing social media engagement here

Drone Filming Shots  

If you have a drone, shoot amazing aerial views that add something special to our work. If you love making travel vlogs, films, or just enjoy flying drones for fun, getting good at using drones can really improve your videos. 

Tech Gadgets Review  

Tech gadgets never go out of style, and talking about the newest ones can really pull in a crowd who loves tech. From smartphones to laptops, you can deep into what these gadgets do, show off what they’re all about, and don’t hold back on what you truly think of them.  

Further, collaborating with brands that make these products will help set you up as someone people trust for their tech advice on YouTube. 

DIY Home Automation Projects  

Home automation is becoming more popular and doing it yourself can be a great way to show off how creative and tech-savvy you are. You could start with something like making your home listen to voice commands or even setting up lights that turn on and off by themselves.  

You can share step-by-step guides, offering helpful hints, and break down the tricky parts of automating your home into easy-to-understand pieces. 

Here are some YouTube video ideas to help you get started:

  • With tutorials in hand, set up a system where your house listens when you speak. 
  • Show others how they can have lights that automatically turn on or off. 
  • Create a security setup at home all by yourself. 
  • Teach them about putting automated blinds or curtains in place.

Remote Work & Productivity Hacks

With more people working from home, there are plenty of ideas for YouTube channel that tell people about being productive and keeping a good balance between work and life.  

You can give tips on how to set up an efficient workspace at home, share ideas for managing schedule better, and suggest how to stay driven without getting sidetracked.  

Best video ideas for YouTube like remote work and productivity hacks are really popular now because they help professionals, business owners, and freelancers figure out how to do their best even when they’re not in an office setting

Plant-Based Cooking Recipes  

If I look up YouTube search volume of keyword “plant based recipes” in the US right now, the number crosses 18,000. That’s a lot of potential for you to tap in!  

With more people actively shifting to vegetarian and vegan diets, there’s a vast opportunity of showing plant-based cooking recipes. You can think of making everything from vegan sweets and smoothie bowls to filling meals without any meat or dairy.

Get Ready with Me  

For those who have a passion for fashion and beauty, making a “Get Ready with Me” video is an awesome idea. You can record yourself preparing for an evening out or any big occasion and give some styling advice along the way.  

With this type of video, people get to see a bit of what your day-to-day life looks like and feel like they’re getting to know you better. To ensure that your content reaches the right audience, you can use keywords like “lifestyle,” “wardrobe,” and “followers.” 

Urban Gardening Ideas 

If you’re looking for YouTube videos ideas that are affordable and don’t require extra studio space, urban gardening is a great option. You can shoot these videos in your home or terrace easily.  

Think about setting up vertical gardens or turning your balcony into a green haven. Taking care of plants indoors and making your own planters are also cool ways to get into urban gardening.  

YouTube Video Ideas for Businesses  

If you’re running a business or managing multiple YouTube channels for different brands, consider these 10 video suggestions for YouTube: 

Behind the Scenes: A Look at Company Culture 

For starting YouTube video ideas, you can try giving people a sneak-peek of what goes on behind the scenes.  

By showing off how things work inside your company, like how your team gets along and what happens in a typical day, you make everything feel more real and open to those watching.  

Additionally, you can include chats with some of the folks who work there, show off activities that bring everyone together, and talk about ways you create a welcoming and supportive place to work. 

Step-by-Step: How to Use Our Product  

Making tutorials for your products and putting them on YouTube is one of the great YouTube content ideas for any business. With these videos, you can show people step by step how to use what they’ve bought from you in the best way possible.  

In your videos, talk about all the cool things your product can do, share some helpful hints, and answer questions that lots of users have. When you make instructions easy to follow, people are happier with what they buy from you and feel more connected to your brand.  

Lessons Learned: Our Journey as a Business  

Talking about the ups and downs you’ve faced while running your business can really help others who are just starting out.  

Think about making videos where you look back on the tough times, celebrate your wins, and talk about how much you’ve grown as a business owner. Cover things like getting past hurdles, keeping up with changes in the market, and putting together a solid team.

Celebrating Milestones: Company Anniversaries & Achievements  

Making content to celebrate big moments is one of the great YouTube videos ideas for any organization. When your company hits an important anniversary, sells a lot more than usual, or gets recognized with an award, you can make a video about it.

Faceless YouTube Channel Ideas

If you’d rather not be in front of camera, here are some faceless YouTube video ideas to try out:  

Product Reviews and Unboxing  

If you’re not keen on showing your face in videos, there’s still a way to share what you think about different items without having to reveal who you are. Just focus on talking about the product, what it can do, and give your real thoughts on it.  

To make things more interesting for your viewers, consider using extra video clips (B-roll), graphics or animations that show off the product being used.

Voiceover Tutorials or Educational Content 

Next in the list of faceless video ideas for YouTube, you have voiceover tutorials. Pick something you know a lot about and break it down into easy steps or teach something new. Adding graphics, moving images, and words on the screen helps make everything clearer for whoever’s watching. 

ASMR Videos  

If you’ve seen ASMR videos before, you know that they’re quite relaxing and satisfactory. From soft whispers to keyboard typing sounds, ASMR has many categories. Select the one that you like best and get ready with your audio gear.

Key Elements of Good Video Ideas on YouTube

Great YouTube video ideas are all about grabbing the attention of your viewers, giving them something valuable, and making sure they’re entertained. 

Here are some things to keep in mind if you want to come up with good video ideas: 

  • Relevancy: Make videos that match what your audience likes and needs. 
  • Originality: Offer a fresh take or perspective on topics that will set you apart. 
  • Interesting: To hold onto the audience’s interest, ensure your videos ideas for YouTube are fun and engaging. 
  • Educational: While not necessary, adding educational content to your videos will keep the users hooked for more tips and tricks from your end.  
  • Visual Appeal: Focus on using clear and interesting images along with slick editing tricks to keep your content up to date. 
  • Trending Topics: Stay in loop with what’s hot right now in your niche so you can talk about stuff people are already interested in. 
  • Authenticity: Just be yourself because people love seeing real personality shine through. 
  • Consistency: Once you have a list of YouTube video ideas to work on, stick to a regular upload schedule so subscribers have something to look forward to. 

Track YouTube Channel Performance with Vaizle

Once you have shortlisted YouTube videos ideas you want to focus on, it is time to put your plan into action and get started with the content creation process. Begin by organizing your ideas and creating a content calendar to keep track of your schedule. 

Eventually, you’ll reach a stage where you’d want to know how your channel is performing so far. That’s where Vaizle steps in!  

With Vaizle’s free YouTube analytics tool, you can track key metrics like views, watch time, engagement rates, and more. This data can help you find which video ideas for YouTube work best and bring more subscribers to your channel.


To wrap things up, if you want to make it big on YouTube in 2024, think outside the box and make sure what you’re posting is something people care about. By bringing your own spin to a variety of YouTube video ideas listed above, you’ll grab the attention of viewers and help your channel grow.  

Don’t forget that being consistent and focusing on quality are crucial for keeping a dedicated group of followers around. Be open to trying new things but stay true to yourself at the same time as this will help in crafting content that really pops online.  

While you’re at it, don’t forget to keep an eye on the numbers. With Vaizle, you can easily know how well each social and ad platform is performing for you or your brand. Get a glimpse of the user-friendly dashboard by signing up for a 7-day trial today.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many channels can I create on YouTube?

Listed under a single account, you can make up to 50 channels on YouTube.

2. What type of content is best for YouTube?

The best YouTube content ideas include tutorials, how-to’s, product reviews, vlogs, challenges, and entertainment. Focus on content that provides value, engages your audience, and aligns with trending topics in your niche.

3. How to make videos on YouTube?

To make videos on YouTube, start by planning your content—choose a topic and create a script or outline. Gather the necessary equipment, such as a good camera, microphone, and proper lighting. Once you have everything set up, start recording your video.

4. How to start a YouTube channel for kids?

To start a YouTube channel for kids, begin by planning engaging content that appeals to a young audience, like cartoons or crafts. To do so, you can also look up YouTube video ideas for kids online.

Once shortlisted, create a fun and eye-catching channel name, set up the channel with a kid-friendly profile and banner, and make sure all videos comply with YouTube’s policies for children.

5. What are good YouTube video ideas?

Generally, good ideas for YouTube videos will vary for everyone depending on the niche you’re active in. But here are some generic ideas that you can work on:  

  • Tutorials and How-Tos 
  • Product Reviews  
  • Q&A Sessions 
  • Top 10 Lists  
  • Educational Content  
  • Behind the Scenes 

6. How to come up with good ideas for YouTube videos to get subscribers?

Coming up with YouTube video ideas to get subscribers can seem challenging but is simple once you get the hang of the entire process. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:  

  • Check what your competitors are doing 
  • Identify latest trends in your industry 
  • Analyze performance of your past content  

7. What are some YouTube video ideas for girls?

If you’re looking for YouTube video ideas for girls, here are a few options to try:  

  • Makeup tutorials 
  • Dresses collections & overhauls 
  • Painting or gardening 
  • Skincare routines  
  • Painting or gardening  

These ideas are apt for beginning your journey as a creator, and if you want to further diversify and get noticed especially by teenagers, here are a few YouTube video ideas for teenage girl:  

  • Room tours 
  • Morning/night skincare routines 
  • DIY projects 
  • Favourite books/movies 
  • Study tips 
  • Hobby showcases 

About the Author

Ashtam Garg

Ashtam Garg

Ashtam is a dedicated and detail-oriented SEO Analyst with 2.5 years of hands-on experience in optimizing websites to enhance their visibility on search engines. Specializing in keyword research, on-page and off-page SEO, and performance analysis, He has a proven track record of increasing organic traffic and improving search engine rankings for diverse clientele.

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